" If being crazy means living life as if it matters, then I don't mind being completely insane."

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Namaste on my mind

"Its Thursday, Thursday, oh why do I love Thursday???" See Rebecca Black, I can write a song about a day of the week too!! NOT HARD!haha anywho I love Thursdays cause so far today is great and I want to share with all of you, whoever YOU might be, why today is great and what is knockin around in my noggin! 

This morning I went with my dear mother to Yoga. I have been a cardio girl since I can remember and I never wanted to do Yoga. But I decided that this summer I would deviate from my regular six days a week cardio and do one day of Yoga at L.A. fitness with my mom. Let me tell ya people Yoga is hard....like I would rather run a 5k at 7 minute mile pace Hard! I realized I have no stretching techniques and Yoga kicked my butt! While it was really tough, it was also very relaxing! So I am going to keep going back and eventually Im sure I will be able to keep my feet flat on the floor during DOWN DOG (who comes up with these names for the moves????)! I encourage you all to try Yoga if ya havent yet!!

Secondly, my bro aka Radio DJ Zach Miller aka claims to know music, sent me a link for a group I had never heard of called Walk The Moon. The song is called "Anna Sun" and I am obsessed with the song and the vidoe...especially the dance number in the middle of the video. So do check out this song at the link...im sure you will love it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW7f54tVRmQ

Third, as most of you know its nearing the end of my which means most of our fave shows are either ending for summer or beginning for the summer session, this also means that network execs are relseasing what shows got cancelled, what got renewd, and what is new for the fall! If your like my mom you can cry over Brothers and Sisters ending, but if your like me you can say "hey I loved Hellcats, but ya win some and ya lose some, but lets celebrate the NEW" and after watching some of the previews for the new I am getting excited to see what is in store for the fall! Here is a link to watch a few preview videos for some new shows on the CW network (a personal fave of mine) http://www.tvline.com/2011/05/cw-fall-preview-secret-circle-ringer-dixie/

And lastly, I have forgotten how awesome the band, Toad The Wet Sprocket, is! Tuesday's One Tree Hill featured the song "Walk On The Ocean" which reminded me how much I loved them back in the day!!! anywho check them out too if ya havent already heard of them!

Okay I think that is all I got for now...I got to go apply for jobs and plan a garage sale!!! Peace out 

1 comment:

  1. I love that you blog! It makes me feel closer to you :) Have a good weekend, love!
